You know there is a gentleman that is on io9 by the name of Rob Briken who has spared me from watching many hours of serialized TV with his excellent episode recaps of some of my favorite shows.
You know there is a gentleman that is on io9 by the name of Rob Briken who has spared me from watching many hours of serialized TV with his excellent episode recaps of some of my favorite shows.
Wonder how the European settlers would have felt if the Native Americans back in the 15th century had forced them out since they were illegal immigrants?
Spicer said fuck this and abandoned ship as soon as he could, like rats leaving a sinking ship.
Technically there is still a state of war with North Korea. A peace treaty was never signed.
Homeless guy or not, it was 3:00AM and she is playing loud music and her car is running. Where I live you would have more than a homeless person telling you to move your car and/or turn the music down.
Victor Garber is playing Admiral Halsey? Guess he built a fine Fleet? Someone is a Beatles fan.
I hate Christian Bale. This guy looks great and gains weight on purpose while I have to fight for months to use only 5 pounds.
of miniature golf. He doesn’t want the 98% on his golf courses.
So when is Trump going to get around to changing the saying on the Statue of Liberty?
I love 1941. I think it’s one of the most underappreciated movies ever made.
Deliberate ignorance? More like deliberate lies. I bet half the people saying this know it’s a lie.
How about Jetta? I like their version of the Ten Years After song “I’d Love to Change The World”.
No, they will sign him as a wide receiver.
Really? Momentary Lapse of Reason is one of my favorite Floyd Albums, actually in 3rd place to Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall.
Really? Momentary Lapse of Reason is one of my favorite Floyd Albums, actually in 3rd place to Dark Side of the Moon…
Not true. Cameron had Ripley, Newt, and Vasquez in Aliens 2 along with the female pilot.
How about another Marvel/DC crossover and bring in the Hulk or Thor. Can you imagine a game with the Hulk and Superman going at it?
As crazy as that was maybe the dog was driving.
I have this problem with my in-laws. They think Obama was evil and Trump is the greatest thing in the world.
I have this battle with my wife all the time. We have a small dog that everyone in the family wanted but I’m the one who ended up having to handle most of her care. I’m ok with this. Now my wife wants another dog to keep this dog company and I drew the line. I have my hands full with this one dog, there is no way I’m…