
No Surface Phone yet?

What’s with the March 2017 release date? I thought the Christmas season was the time to release new systems to cash in on the holiday buyers?

She’s sticking her butt out so it makes her stomach stick out. I’m too familiar with my beer belly to tell she does not have a beer belly.

So what’s the story with the Dodge Caravan in the clip at the top?

I don’t even want to watch the debate tonight. I really tired of hearing Trump going after Bill Clinton and try to bring up all of the crap he did. Bill Clinton isn’t running fro President, Hillary Clinton is.

That’s pretty sad that someone can run around and say whatever they want and have no real consequences for their actions.

Trumps pockets are not as deep as he pretends they are, some of his “fellow” Billionaires called him out on that.

Why is no one suing Donald Trump for the constant lies he tells? Isn’t this at least slander and defamation of character for claiming there is a sex tape and there isn’t? Not to mention all of the other lies he has told about others.

I know how you can save more money, don’t stop the ship at Mars or Earth. Just have it keep moving and leave your shuttle on Mars till the ship returns and have extra shuttles at Earth and Mars.

Why would you want to insult Odo by comparing him to (as Bill Maher calls him) Thurston Fuckface the 3rd?

It will be really funny if it turns out there really is a God, and God is a woman. These people will die and (maybe) go to heaven and have to explain themselves before being dropped into hell.

I don’t care if Mrs. Clinton is sick as hell, I would still vote for her over Trump. Look at FDR and even JFK who hid his illness while he was President. They both did their jobs well.

Better than yelling Squirrel. Although it is funny watching my dog start looking around like crazy.

You forgot to mention that she was against gay rights and one of her son’s is gay. I really hope there is a hell, especially for someone like this woman.

Who’s this guy, Dr. Bombay?

Lochte said in a interview he was in a cab when it was pulled over so the cabbie should be able to back up the robbery story. As for the photo of the swimmers wearing watches they could have had extra ones or purchased new ones.

Funny I never heard this on the news, yet we still hear about Monica Lewinsky and White Water. Meanwhile the Republicans are caught rigging elections and not a peep from the news media.

When I was growing up it used to be NBC=Network (of) Bill Cosby. How times have changed ;)

It was great seeing her show up on the SyFy show Defiance. Till then I thought she retired after getting the $50 Million from Cameron.

God I love Caddyshack. Hollywood please never reboot it.