
Because that wasn't his call. Tarkin ran the Death Star and Vader even said the ability to destroy planets is insignificant to the power of the force so he didn't think much of the Death Star.

The last Zune player was far better than the iPod. Microsoft really dropped the ball in supporting Zune.

Don't get me started on Zune. It was a great music player that got better and it had a great music service in the beginning: $14 a month for unlimited music plus you got 10 songs to permanently keep per month so you are really paying $4 a month for unlimited music. This is back when the only way to listen to Apple

Gotta have the facts right before the end of the World so the roaches will know what happened since they will be the only survivors...

It's really funny how people complain about things not happening the way they did in 1980's fictional movies. I for one am glad we didn't have Judgment Day.

Not really, she stumbled. Didn't completely fall and bounced right back up, good save.

There could be more going on than just the obvious. Woman is going thru a divorce and actually at the end when she was talking it sounded like she might have had a sore throat so she might have been going on with the show even if she was sick.

I'm waiting for Ralphie's Mom from A Christmas Story to show up and say "You'll cut your hand off".

She looks great, I'm just having a hard time believing that's her real behind. I don't care if she says she had a x-ray done to prove it's real, photos of her from years ago don't back it up (pun intended).

Price is for the 2DS system.

Price is for the 2DS system.

She did "ok" in the Fast and Furious movies.

Strong laws should have been in place for this a long time ago. This is theft and invasion of privacy. There is no way to justify going into someone's computer without permission or a judge issued search warrant regardless of it being a idiot hacker or the NSA.

Yeah, but the ones in your links are the tiny 6 inch figures, while I got my grandson a 12 inch Starlord figure and the big plush Rocket. How is she supposed to play with a 6 inch figure opposite a 12 inch Starlord? If Hot Toys comes thru and makes a Gamora it will be for adults.

I remember that was one of the excuses Cartoon Network gave for cancelling Young Justice and Green Lantern.

My granddaughter feels left out, the only Gamora to be found is a little approximately 2" statue 2 pack with her and Starlord. Yet there is a 12" StarLord and a in scale Rocket.

I guess Clarissa is really going to explain it all.

In Mothman Prophesies when the phone rang and Richard Gere answered it and heard someone on the line and then looked and saw the phone line and power were disconnected was crazy. I think that was the first time I saw that in a movie besides the old Twilight Zone episode where the old lady was getting strange calls and

So I'm guessing you will do something similar to what happened in The Mothman Prophesies and have someone from the afterlife send a fax to a fax machine that is completely unplugged from power and phone line.

Robert Stack can actually confirm this story from the afterlife.

Really? You would want someone from the afterlife to haunt you with faxes? Who uses faxes anymore?