they made a statement about a *facebook post* that they are investigating
they made a statement about a *facebook post* that they are investigating
Will the upcoming overhaul of Final Fantasy VII be released in multiple parts? Sure seems like it.
A side question Evan, a while ago you put up a post about Batman becoming a god and asking what the Joker’s true identity was. What was the follow up on that since I don’t follow comics at all. (But would be lying if I said that these posts didn’t entice me to check ‘em out. They’re really well done!)
Does that Hot Rod come with a little Daniel figurine and a CD of Dare? Because it should.
I have heard it said that black don’t quack.
I’m liking what I’m seeing in this game so far (started it a week back), save one thing:
wait that is made under sourcemaker? O_o
I can’t even count how many Zelda games I’ve rage quit in my 20+ years of gaming, but this is the cutest little thing I ever did see!
One day, in Greenland, Cap found the perfect axe. That was the day he became... AXE CAP!!
I’ve got my apollyon preordered. Can’t freaking wait
The slow-cooker cost about 12 bucks to ship from Sears, but I got Amazon to price match, and throw in one-day shipping for free. :)
The slow-cooker cost about 12 bucks to ship from Sears, but I got Amazon to price match, and throw in one-day…
In this case, it’s a freelancer we like and have worked with a lot who happens to live in LA anyway, so it was a pretty easy call.
Still waiting for my followup Young Justice film.