Putting in an early submission for the 2020 Name of the Year. Dave Nebraska isn’t strong, but a solid 13 seed.
Putting in an early submission for the 2020 Name of the Year. Dave Nebraska isn’t strong, but a solid 13 seed.
I cast my protest “Jill Stein” vote for Mark Davis. He’s obviously not one of the mainstream favorites, but he’s the candidate that most reflects my values.
If you’re willing to make the trip to NJ, there’s a brewery opening up in Montclair (1 block from the Walnut St train station so easily accessible from NYC). They’re hoping to open mid-August. It’s owned by a husband and wife (he’s from Burkina Faso, she’s from Jamaica) and they’re doing a lot of beers inspired by…
The girlfriend’s grandparents live in Jacksonville so I’ve been twice in the last year. Hoptinger is definitely not a beach bar and was actually my favorite place to go to while there.
I’m now 100% convinced that you make up at least half of these “Sent from” signatures.
Counterpoint: Johnny Cash’s Hurt > NIN’s Hurt
As a resident of Montclair, this is the best marketing I could imagine, I’ll be checking it out tonight!
123 Washington
This is a 3 minute walk from where I work. Can’t wait!
I was going to post a snarky reply about how the NFL “brings people together and lets them set aside those divisions” with a link to a video of fans fighting, but I couldn’t even narrow it down to which one (or even from which year) I would want to link.
“Justin Fairfax is the only one making personal attacks in this campaign,” she said, immediately before making a personal attack in this campaign.
Stick to sports, Richard. You got paid to play a game, I don’t want to hear your political opinion.
Among everything else, it must INFURIATE Trump that he has no power to fire or discipline any of the state AGs.
I’m offended by this piece. When I bought cable clips, I paid more for half the quantity.
Does anyone actually listen to this “so-called judge”?
This isn’t news. There’s a vacancy now and it should still be there in the summer if the dems do their jobs.
There’s a Jimmy Johns a few blocks from where I work (in a city) and when they first opened, one of their delivery guys used to do it by unicycle. I’ve still only eaten it when they brought free samples to the office.
I’ve become a fan of gin bucks (Moscow Mule but with Gin instead of Vodka). Absolutely fantastic drinking, even though I make it in a regular highball glass.
Not a Jets fan, but I live 5 minutes from the stadium and tickets were $10 for 2nd level seats, so I went. I was surrounded by Jets fans booing the entire game, and eventually starting a “We want Petty” chant.