
which better yoda syndrome than

I was so pissed I signed three of the save SGU petitions online.

dammit! and just after the redhead inexplicably ditched her crush on the leader of the guys outside the camp and decided she liked the doofy guy with the fivehead.

Fantastic Four. LXG. Xmen3. With that track record around fluff books being cinema-tized, is there any hope on god's green earth this isn't decimated by execs with notes, test screenings, and the mpaa?

he couldve offered egypt 2 elisabeth hasslebacks in trade for lara logan and egypt would still be be getting gypped.

@Burke: according to Memory Alpha the "conspiracy" aliens were never pursued for budgetary reasons, they became the Borg.

crappy dance music? that was jan hammer's miami vice title theme from 1984!

I'd very much enjoy her cribbing a page from C.S. Lewis, and do some skewed timeline/ prequel/ long-term future storylines. She certainly has enough fodder from the world of characters she's created.

@kasika: no, mr. fusion.

How is she a "Playboy Bunny" with no pictures of her on the web? Do I have to wait for Monday and WWTDD or Egotastic to dig something up?

@jeroser: Bit of an unpopular opinion, eh? Your sentiments mirror my own complaints.

"Microsoft has a lot riding on this project, so let's hope all the spending works out well for it."

@dbett: there was something great about it?

@UntrueProphecy: I don't think Daft Punk is in the trailers. The music sounds a lot like Two Steps From Hell.

@Groo8: Stargate Detroit: Ancient City. Abandoned by ancient car makers, intitially low on power because everyone left Motown and the blues for the suburbs.Until a suitable power source is identified where said city transforms from weak and defenseless to again be the most powerful music city in the galaxy!