On my Evo (running Android 2.2), I use the following Downloadable Apps on a daily basis:
@toxic: How the efff did you do that?!?...
No shit, I had no idea that he'd passed away, or even that he was Jaime Lee Curtis' dad... I really liked his movies growing up too. I'm always amazed by the fact that the mural of him on the 101 hasn't been defaced a million times over like everything else in LA when driving by it. I'll now keep an eye out for it, I…
Ok, Ima just call out the elephant in the room that no one else has bothered to address yet. Why hasn't Sony announced Google TV functionality for the PS3 yet?!? Classic Sony move here IMHO... I mean, instead of innovating and improving a already existing device and/or service with tons of untapped potential, they go…
@GranMastaB614: Ummm, Jesus Diaz?... You must be new to these parts.
@DanHibiki: Seriously...
@mykie: Yeah, I got mine at Deal Extreme for $22 (I think) at Deal Extreme like a month ago?... BTW, am I the only one that had a laugh after hitting the link at Thinkgeek? They said it was specially designed at Thinkgeek by them, and will only be offered through them in limited offers. I'm assuming they're…
@Jonathan Butler: SECONDED.
Poor zombie, first the plants and now this. All he wanted were some braaaaiiins...
@OreoExplosion: I know right? Like for a D-pad and some dedicated game buttons or something...
@Bazza100: YES!
@gstatty: WORD!
@cc: True true, HOWEVER, I personally much rather have the option to have 64GB pre-installed with the option to drop another 32 myself for a grand total of 96GB (as Dr. would Nemmo I suspect)...
@czaravm: Seriously, seconded.
Android manufacturers, are you reading this?
@ARC: Correcto, just re-read it. Thanks for the correction.
@neoanime: "give", I think you meant to say "... give a bad impression."
God, this makes me both sad and excited. I don't own a iAnything (I do own a MacBook Pro, but use Android as my Smartphone OS of choice) and don't want to wait for the release of something like this on Android... Since Lost ended I only have True Blood", "Fringe" and "Supernatural" to keep my scripted television fix…
@jongabriel92: Yeah, I'm not a fan of their X10 design... Maybe if they just HTC EVO'd it up a bit.