
@ChaosAlloy: How the heck did you connect the wiimote classic? I too am slinging around a EVO, and have no luck connecting any kind of bluetooth device (wiimote or otherwise, something about it missing the necessary drivers in the bluetooth stack)...

The illustration is a great! What an inspired choice in a mashup using that particular Goya painting. Though in my opinion it could do with a little less obvious watermarking me thinks...

@eirrann: Oh, they have one, it's just exclusive (that they signed and announced when the original Droid came out) to Verizon Android phones ATM. Me thinks this is why they took Fring's licensing rights away, pressure from big red...

@krztov: Yeah, how is the reception and GPS lock on the phone. I've read some stuff on the web that says it sucks at getting and maintaining a GPS lock. Any weight to that? I really use Google Maps with Navigation on my EVO, and this would be a deal breaker if true.

Oh happy day! Finally I can annoy the fuck out of total strangers everywhere! I can't wait to use this, seriously!

@Mark Wilson: But you poneyed up for Playstation Plus?...

I just noticed my screen detaching today (I got mine on release day)... :( I was going to go to the local Sprint store to ask for a replacement too, thanks for saving me the trouble Brian. Maybe I'll wait for the Epic to come out and try my luck then, see if I can't get them to give me one of those instead if they're

Now playing

Watch the whole thing, apparently he's bat shit crazy like most super duper famous people.

@ACEACEACE: I second that, now if Sprint would just flip the switch on Wimax in LA...

@FigNinja: Yeah, I checked the market place today and read a bunch of the reviews. As I suspected it works with the AV but "is not officially supported" by Sling, whatever. I'm not buying a new box Sling, so get over it. It looks like a bunch of people using both the Slingbox Classic and AV have had varying degrees of

@Dafrety: Yeah, I was thinking about doing just that, you nominating me to be Giz's Guinea Pig or something?... ;) Problem is that I've been on Android for about a year now, and disconnected my Slingbox well over a year ago (without a proper phone client I really had no use for it). I'd have to go digging for it in