@MIKERIOSISAWHORE.COM: What type of screen does it use Dan btw, resistive or capacitive?
@MIKERIOSISAWHORE.COM: What type of screen does it use Dan btw, resistive or capacitive?
Damnit, I just got a Chumby One too... Oh well, I really like my Chumby One, maybe I'll get one of these later to add to the house for use in a different room.
Wa wa wa...
Hey Sony, hows about spreading that iPhone remote app love to the PS3, and on other phone OS's other than the iPhone? Pretty please with sugar on top?...
@yogibimbi: Actually I'm with fryhole on this, where the hell are the 32GB micoSDHC cards?... Actually, you can buy class 4 and 6 16GB microSDHC cards NOW. Just look on amazon.
GAH! Where the hell is my new 32GB microSDHC card Panasonic, anyone?... My old 16GB card keeps corrupting itself! I know the second I bite the bullet and buy a new 16GB microSDHC card is the second they announce/release the new 32GB cards... D:
@Kris Aubuchon: Seriously, that remote looks fucking cool and super functional! I wonder how it connects to the Boxie? Does it use a a IR and/or Bluetooth connection? Does it use both? Is it a universal remote for use with other devices? Could I use it with say a PS3?...
Soooo wait, does the 700u have built in Wi-Fi, or are users still stuck having to connect directly to a router like the rest of Sling's other offerings?...
@TheOriginalEd: CUTE KID!!!
@brandizzle: Ohhhh, seconded... I forgot about that. That coupled with a PS3 bluetooth remote/remote play app would be awesome. Your profile pic is awesome btw, I love that shop.
I use my phone all of the time to both talk and listen to music (using Pandora) while driving through my stereo bluetooth equipped car stereo. I also use my phone for turn by turn navigation with the Waze app, again through my stereo, and can't wait for the day that Google Maps with turn by turn navigation becomes…
Don't know about some of those movies, but the music selection is the bees knees...
So fucking funny! Thanks so much Rosa!
and that's why Magneto is the X-men's numba one villain... Now imagine that, all over your body.
@Lite: hates Illinois Nazis: Curious, when did you know you were in love with your wife? She sounds like the perfect woman. Was today one of those self reaffirming moments where you go (in your head), "I love you, and this is why..." Whatever the case, gotta love a woman who loves a gadget dork. Hold on to her…
I think it's pure conjecture. I just did the speed test in the valley in CA and here are my results using Xtreme Labs Speedtest, providing I can maintain a signal throughout the day without having hard reset my Cliq multiple times a day to keep my phone connected to a 3G signal tbw that is...
I had to reset my Moto Cliq several times earlier today just to get my 3G data working, it kept dissapearing... :( WTF T-Mobile, get your shit straight!
So he's making the Last Guardian? Oh, wait... #shigerumiyamoto
@MIKERIOSISAWHORE.COM: for more reference...