Then you realize you’ve just grown up, and taking care of kids matter more then playing the latest game. ;) Enjoy being a dad, and know that faster then you can believe your going to have permanent co-op players.
Then you realize you’ve just grown up, and taking care of kids matter more then playing the latest game. ;) Enjoy being a dad, and know that faster then you can believe your going to have permanent co-op players.
Spot on!
Fact check its not going to happen. A girlfriend is one thing, but say you throw a wife, and kids into the mix your not going to be gaming as much as you would like nor get 8 hours to binge. It will still happen on occasion like when the above is out of town, or sleeping. To make either a girlfriend, or wife, or kids…
Well when you have 18 trillion planets there is bound to be a lot of dicks in that universe.
I’m a Sci-Fi, and exploration game nut, so I take it this is a day 1 buy?
Well played Mr. Burns...
With so many people still playing the game, people will still end up going to see it. I like the article though.
I was just talking about this very topic today at lunch. I can't believe that group of sports reporters was that out of touch. My favorite part of the clip was how they just consider it a game, but not a sport. If thats the case no one should care about the NBA, NFL, MLB, or NHL cause after all its just a game.
FINAL FIGHT | Cosplayer: Nebulaben | Photographer: Jesus Clares
Alright so here is the big question now...I wonder what the lifespan of these games is going to be? With all the connected features in each game we get to the point that when MS pulls the switch and Xbox One services go offline all our games will be rendered unusable. Nothing last forever I guess so enjoy it while…
I blame GTA V for this incident.....well not really but I bet someone out there is.
BRPD: Kidnapping, vehicle theft suspect claimed video game tie [WBRZ]
Hey Superman, How do you like dem apples?
They really should just buy out Ouya as its basically already close to what they already will create.
Actually I just went online to and was able to get it for free. Keep checking it out....
That just about sums up how bad this movie turned out. I would rather Quest for Peace.
Yeah I pretty much lost my shit when I watched it. Nothing is safe, and its great to see all of it being unveiled.
I can really see it now..."Here at Microsoft we are really trying to bring out the ADD in every gamer by allowing them to have so much going on why playing a game they forget a real world exist. We want to plug into the Matrix right now...."