
Actually the ratings for gravity are roughly 1/6th now as when they hit their high point in seaso 1

I was visiting my mom last week and an advertisement for it came on. My 60 year old mothers response: "thats the stupidest thing ive ever seen and I lived through the 80s"

Holy shit you guys. I mean HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS!

So wild thing I notices, but during the boyz crazy episode when robbie is crying over windy breaking up with him, Stan tells him "cheer up kid, if it makes you feel better the apocalypse is coming soon. Bury your gold. You been remembering to buy gold right?"

Its funy I loved dinner with Brett gelman and I laughed alot at the triumph show when it wasnt just dying at the sitcom parody attempts. But this was just awful. I love reilly and I appreciate so bad its gopd and I understand what they went for but very little moments hit the mark for me. Seeing someone pretend to

Problem is they havent managed to do that very well either.
A big portion of the current and last season have that. My issue is exactly that they used to not abort plot points now they do. They focus on giving free reign to directors who contribute little to the show (glitch in the system) without the trademark humor.

Better than usual, ive enjoyed the latest AT episodes more than than expected after the long string of pseudointellectual nonsense. Dont get me wrong AT is still one of my fav shows but I want morr epic plot turning but developed episodes like The Lich/FinntheHuman/JakeTheDog arc. It seems nowadays when it comes to