
It’s as though Tesla is trying to corner the pretentious douchebag even further.

The trailers made it seem like it was forcibly “for women” rather than being a good movie with women in it. It looked bad in every respect—awful music choices, unfunny retorts, bad action, unclear plot. In contrast, take Atomic Blonde, which has a kick-ass female protagonist that didn’t need to constantly remind us of

Was Charlie’s Angels ever really for women though? I thought the whole point was that it was super male gazey. (This is a genuine question; I’m too young to have seen the show.)

“To protect and serve,” right? The agency that tells us they’re essential for our safety puts a lot of work into not being found when you might need them.

THIS. And to say afterward that it was

Oh, it all about controlling a woman’s right to choose her sexual activity.

Welp, it’s Monday. So...