Mike Pooler

It's not a Yahoo! Original. Why is everything a Hulu, Netflix, Yahoo! Original all the time when it's not? This is why they died.

The more you noseā€¦.

He needs a new publicyst?

Turning it off and on again like a computer, lol!!! <- genuine, it snuck by then got me by surprise

Here Come the Warm Jets


This finale was so much worse than Season 4's. Swap those grades.

recalcitrant: having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline. I should have remembered that word from Recalcitrant Elephant.

Yep! Or "kreh-SIGH would be good if you put the emphasis on the "sigh".

John Kricfalusi and Miley Cyrus, more than a colaberation? Keep an eye out for, for, KriCy! NO THAT'S IT!

Oh the thing. Sorry. The thing.

Recalcitrant!? You better watch it mister word having. Oh you wanna go!? You don't even KNOW my vocabulary. It's nouns are pro, it's vowels are mo, it has more game than a vocab ho. I have won this discussion. And now, to the dictionary dot com.

Yea, well said. Besides it's still good advice in general. If it really IS from the wife heck, give him something wonderful if the worst things he does is snore and tell the same jokes constantly, right? Cause as they said that's adorable.

You all make some very good points but it reads like self-depricating humor, so, without syntax to indicate one thing or the other, it reads as if it's from the guy himself.

Why can't you just say vagingo like an adult.

I read it like they apparently did: "Any good suggestions for me, a 55-year-old man about a gift to give" rather than the way you apparently did: "Any good suggestions about a gift to give a 55-year-old man," which didn't occur to me at first. So obviously nobody is correct, except for me. :P

Whoever said "there's no such thing as a stupid question" was hanging out with the wrong crowd.