Mike Podgor

I also watched the whole thing, hoping against hope that something salvageable might come from it. I was so very wrong.

Myriad is going to turn out to be Brainiac, right?

There was that scene last season where the two comic relief Empire officers got stabbed in the heads with the Inquisitor's lightsaber.

"Check this out, gleaning the cube."

In BoJack, they probably actually pardon an actual criminal turkey.

Linda, I'm exhausted.

My favorite actually is Shuckle.

You can start wherever you like, and though there is a chronology to them, each one (save The Light Fantastic, the second one) pretty much stands on their own.

The bit involving the alpaca in tonight's episode may be one of the best jokes I've ever seen on a sitcom.

"Black Books" has been sitting in my Netflix queue for a while now. I had no idea the same guy was involved with both of them.

I agree. Up until they revealed that the Mandarin wasn't the Mandarin, I was really enjoying the movie. After that, they just kept throwing in poorly-orchestrated twist after poorly-orchestrated twist. I still think that, maybe, they might be able to retcon things to say that the actual Mandarin was manipulating