Mike Philips

Here we have a Man, who spent extra money on a vehicle with a power sunroof.... A power sunroof that he is “too scared” to open......

It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

$1,299.67 per year out of your own pocket on that RR being a piece (aka the bad decision of buying a used RR or any RR for that matter). Excluding regular maintenance, tires, oil, wipers, filters, etc.

Hang in there, Doug. In a couple years, you may have a fully rebuilt Range Rover!

After as many times as you have taken this car in that deductible is starting to add up.

Doug, I’m glad that British brick is covered under warranty. However, a warranty does not cover lost of time going in and out of the shop, and loss of convenience of owning the car. An unreliable car is an unreliable car. Even if the fix is free, it still doesn’t stop being a complete pain in the ass to own.

I agree with you

I agree. 15K is coincidentally exactly where the cheap first gen CTS-Vs are now. And I seriously doubt Chrysler will have more restraint that GM in producing these or, eventually, discounting them. And it’s not like they’re winning any awards for reliability these days.

I personally think it’ll be worth less, but there are a lot of people who think it’ll hold its value really well. I think it’ll plunge. Chrysler will dramatically overproduce it.

I love you Doug DeMuro, but you grossly over-estimate both the long term value of this car, and the annual salary of an assistant manager at a Pizza Hut.

Sub-30,000? I think you’re being a little optimistic with Chrysler depreciation there don’t you? I bet in 10 years, you’ll be able to find Hellcats in the (to use a phrase you like) two boxes of matches and a bed bath beyond coupon range.

On the otherhand finding a Hellcat that has a servicable transmission in 10 years might be a challenge. It is built by Chysler afterall.