
I thought Mistress should have won this week with her three strong looks.

Who’s relying on a fur coat and vintage quilted skirt for survival?

Stop making shit up. Thrift stores are not “running out of clothes” for low-income people - they may just throw a slightly smaller percentage of donated clothes in the garbage now. Find me a place in the US where thrift stores don’t have enough clothes to sell and I’ll eat my words, but I really don’t think you will.

If you think that resellers are draining thrift stores of clothes so poor people have nothing to wear, you are so poorly informed on this topic that you’d be better off staying silent. Thrift stores throw out a HUGE percentage of donated clothes - not because they’re unwearable, but because they simply don’t have

It’s also wild to see people talk about greedy, colonizing resellers because the vast, vast majority of resellers are not well off. It's like single moms finding something they can do from home, or new immigrants fixing up clothes to sell in their community.

It’s entrepreneurship, actually. Comparing thrifting to colonialism is fucking outrageous, and actively offensive to people actually suffering under colonialism. 

I hear she was a producer on Spider Man Turn-Off-The-Dark AND played volleyball at Baruch College.

Hey RockHard, you’re acting like a cunt again. Maybe stop for once.

Hardly anyone wash their hands after using a public bathroom as well,  so maybe going with what the idiot mob does isn’t a great idea 

No. We are all living with the consequences of idiots not following public health protocols. Of course we're not "okay". And you honestly should care about the personal decisions of people whose personal decisions will affect OTHERS.

it’s frustrating because with this format you don’t get time to get to know the queens, time to see the dynamics, time to enjoy the challenges, and the only thing that remains is the narrative of the eliminations and who is the winner, and as you say the winner is very much written on the wall. Sasha is SO above the

I mean, ok, Jax was not going to go much further given the huge competition, but did she need this kind of riggery to get rid of her? Nope. I don’t think Jax lost any of the lip syncs she was involved with - absolutely love her expressivity and that sudden Jerome Robbins like change from the fast movement to the

It’s still insane that one of these queens is going to win $200000.

Because production knew that “saving” Spice would be “controversial” and create a viral news item and loads of free publicity. I doubt that Anetra even had a choice in the decision, but even if she had, there was no way that she’d choose Jax and risk having an army of stupid people come after her for eliminating their

more like Mark Shitterly am I right

Yeah! My friend’s co-worker’s roommate’s cousin’s stepdad got the COVID vaccine once and then his balls exploded and he died! Not that the Deep State would ever want you hearing that.

you people are so goddamn stupid it’s stunning

I’m vaxxed and I’m fine. Quit being a baby.

Hey now! Kevin McHale wouldn’t have played a kid in a wheelchair on Glee if he knew “what we know know”. This is a joke because we know everything we knew then now and I’m making the comparison to what you just said.

I’m not insulting you with this snark I’m insulting Evangeline Lily* Even two years ago any sane person

One of Evangeline Lilly’s parents is a teacher, she graduated high school and went on to complete a degree in International Relations at the University of British Columbia, which is a good school. So in her case, she’s not a child star who never got a chance to get a normal person education, she’s just a stone cold