
Well, now that the evidence has laid bare that Tucker Carlsen is willing to lie on-air about things that he knows to be false, surely the rational viewers of his news program will stop listening to him!

I could think of a million other things infinitely more interesting and important than some beef between two rich Black men; especially some moldy-ass, year-old beef between two rich Black men. Given the amount of finger waving fuckery in the grays I hope this isn’t a deliberate provocation for clicks because I am not

I agree. Will Smith slapping Chris Brown is not protection of black women. Unregulated emotions causes so much violence in our community and black woman feel the effects of it daily. We are not progressing as a community if we feel it it okay to hit someone because of their words. This article is ridiculous.

Condoning or encouraging violence in response to words is a toxic trait. I do my best to never hang out with someone who does that, or allow them to influence me. Of course Will Smith is powerful and rich enough to resort to physical violence and not end up in jail. Unfortunately the people you are trying to influence

These two things can be true:

Controversially, Blais repeatedly noted on that show that he had “choked” on the final challenge, that his worst fears had come true and he actually fucked up the way he always assumed he was going to fuck up.

I get the overall sentiment: if *even Beyonce* can’t win this award, what does that mean for artists of color in general?

Is there a sense that Lilly’s part has been cut down because of the stupid shit she has said about vaccines and stuff? I was surprised when they went all in on Shuri (especially given who she was replacing), but Wasp has not been made crucial to MCU designs in the same way.  Have they even decided exactly who is in

Air seems like such a weird idea for a movie. “Hey, want to see a movie about a sneaker company signing a basketball player to an endorsement contract?” “Hell yeah! $13 tickets here I come!”

I’m not a fan of Olivia Wilde, ASAP Rocky or Harry Styles. But that people feel so strongly to think, it seemed like Wilde was going after the very-much-partnered rapper” makes them a bunch of Bozo’s. One can just as easily say that one celebrity woman is giving props to another celebrity woman and her man! They seem

In related news, I stepped over some dogshit earlier, rather than walking directly into it. So I can definitely understand Cate Blanchett’s impulse here!

“Sorry I’m hot to all types of people

She deserves all the praise for doing that while apparently pregnant, but as shows go, that was as mediocre as mediocre gets. The songs carried. The performance, the staging, the design, the lack of surprises. As by the numbers as you can get with these.

Alternate Headline:

So actually the IGN review was one of the reviews I checked out for the game and this summary of it is disingenuous that it is pretty much blantantly lying. I mean, the actual review is 10 minutes of detailed explanation why the reviewer found it appealing, and giving a pretty decent idea what the game is for those

And this exact same tweet has been directly refuted by developers who worked ON the project.

This is actually pretty eloquently described, especially considering the conversation is very much one side or the other. Unfortunately, that is a by-product of global politics, in recent years, and regardless of whether or not people agree or disagree with any one individual statement of any medium, they should at

It’s pretty obvious from the review that the author thinks that...external issues aside, the game has a few glaring flaws but is actually pretty good.

Nerddom has always been a shitshow, but this is the biggest one I’ve seen. The whole situation is stupid, and absolutely nothing...NOTHING good will come of it.

I’m happy for Romijn’s Mystique to get a mention. In a film that has to set up the premise of mutants as inhuman, possibly frightening beings, a dark blue shapeshifter does a lot of heavy lifting. That she conveys so much without speaking is a huge part of the performance.