
Lyonne looked fantastic, came straight out of the Phantom Zone with that outfit, and contoured like a knife.

The hell? I expect better from the guy who fucked around on his wife.

This is literal conservative comedian jokes. X identified as Y is Babalon Bee trash. Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker this is pathetic.  At least Tim Heidecker is doing better. 

I’m glad mulaney showed his hand after dumping his wife while cheating on her So I’m not completely shocked now.

You don’t even want to know what shenanigans Navie Hammer got up to in international waters

I am not too familiar with the space but aren’t MP3 players, be design, not giving you the best audio anyways. MP3's are still a compressed media and I recall my audiophile friends shitting on the tech many times for being inferior sound quality.

It’s either this or we go back to everything being written by Barsanti and Hughes.

what will be super scary is if Garland actually sticks the landing for once, amirite

It apparently clued Hollywood executives in to the fact that there was good money to be made from mediocre and unoriginal soap operas with Asian characters.

There it is. Just another entitled brat.

Perhaps you’re confusing me with the Congressional Progressive Caucus PAC (who endorsed Rep. Brown) or the OH-11 Democratic Primary voters (who overwhelmingly chose Rep. Brown)?

Gee, I wonder why more people don’t take progressives seriously...

My Latin is a little rusty, but the phrase status quo more accurately describes not having enough votes to pass something amazing, that it does passing stuff that is insufficiently progressive.

Not only does this read like sour grapes, but as someone who hectors the Dems to pass stuff, shouldn’t it matter that Rep. Brown is much more likely to be a reliable vote for team Dem?

Turner said roughly 30 percent of the district’s turf is new, and those voters deserved an opportunity to weigh in on who their congressional representative should be.

Apocalypse is nowhere near as good as it could have been, but I do think it gets unfairly shit on. It’s still nowhere near as bad as Last Stand or Origins, much less utter dreck like Catwoman or Elektra.

This doesn’t read like political reporting. It reads like a hack advertisement bought and paid for by the campaign itself.

So onscreen child death, I think your opinion changes on it once you have kids. It seems silly to some, I know, but it just seems to. It did for me

I remember that Redman segment, and even on my grandparent’s shitty old Zenith tv I had a clear enough picture to make me go “Is that literally just filled with ones?”