I suppose that shows that pumping money into races may not be the weapon it was before, at least not in some of the more progressive / blue districts.
I suppose that shows that pumping money into races may not be the weapon it was before, at least not in some of the more progressive / blue districts.
“A series of measures were voted on last week that would reduce the $400 million annual police budget by less than $4 million”
“What are Antifa’s successes?”
Has Antifa really achieved anything tho, other than becoming a lame bugaboo for Trump and co.? Don’t lump BLM with them
A dipshit loon is one of the new GOP faces in Georgia
all this noise about her being in danger of being unseated *pfft*
Yup you got me
Why so upset? tsk
I’m not white but as a young man who was clueless about cooking, Rachel Ray’s 30 Minute Meals was a gateway to learning to cook for myself and stop eating junk food / TV dinners. So I’ll always have a soft spot for her brand of goofiness and at-times questionable recipes / choices.
The news of the cancellation was the first time I’ve heard of this show and I do have Hulu (although I don’t watch it a whole lot).
You’re entitled to your wrong opinion.
How much of this is Chapelle doing his friend a solid and how much is it just an extension of his current provocateur / contrarian persona giving a middle finger?
Ghostbusters 2016 was terrible but all the man baby crying before it released about how it ruined their childhood was an idiotic freakout
Tried to watch season 1 of Umbrella Academy. Managed two episodes...not for me
You misspelled Elizabeth Warren
Nice of Megan to give Cardi live rapping lessons
are we that surprised tho?
“Bey tearfully places the basket holding her son in the Nile - an obvious biblical reference”
On the same boat. She's made great music but extremely intentional is a good summary
In fairness a lot of the articles shitting On Kamala Harris were from Esther Wang and Ashley Reese. But agree with you otherwise