
Colorism and anti-blackness is prevalent in the Latin American world. There is also the whole aspect of language (although a lot in the community forget that Latin American means more than just Spanish) and surnames. On the flip side I know people that are Afro Latino but have zero connection to the culture or roots

Not that’s universally accepted by the community mind you, but it’s Latin-ecks, yea


So many loaded categories. I mean, lead actress in a comedy, how to choose? Although probably they’ll just give it to Mrs. Meh-sel.

My wife and I watched the first two episodes. I have a lot of close friends from India or American-born Indians so I was curious about their takes. Didn’t get any sense of them being offended or upset, more just rolling their eyes at some of the people featured...so typical reactions to a dating show. And I think this

“Why did Shea do the robot? How familiar are you with Janelle Monae and her albums?”

I’m not ANGRY that Shea won.”

I see that Derrick has successfully gotten out of the Britney box, based on that photo.

At this point I’m not sure enough people give a damn about this for Trader Joe’s to move any faster (2700 ppl or so have signed the petition). But hey, maybe this is part of a school project or something.

>>She has written her own music since Destiny’s Child

this is from IMDB

I think the show is pushing that narrative out more than Shea building it himself

Jeffrey is terrible. Why does he talk like a cartoon version of Dracula? Glad to see Brooke is getting a bit better.

You may have blown their mind

That’s fair. But since the article was specifically about the workplace allegations and none of the allegations mentioned Ellen specifically engaging in that kind of behavior, then it’s just speculation.

If she wants to have her own show and have her name on the show title, she needs to be more involved to see what’s going on,” one former employee said. “I think the executive producers surround her and tell her, ‘Things are going great, everybody’s happy,’ and she just believes that, but it’s her responsibility to go

Spin from who? The quotes saying that Ellen is perhaps not aware of what is going on in her show came from the subjects interviewed for the article

“If she wants to have her own show and have her name on the show title, she needs to be more involved to see what’s going on,” one former employee said. “I think the executive producers surround her and tell her, ‘Things are going great, everybody’s happy,’ and she just believes that, but it’s her responsibility to go

But I thought the point made in the article is that Ellen herself is oblivious about what is happening in her show?

If that isn’t the most beautiful statue I’ve seen put up in years.