
Another problem with this is, by pulling these movies and shows, it allows white people to avoid the conversation.”

Well nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can impotently rail against Joe Biden all day long. The alternative to me is much worse but I guess not so much for you.

Bernie Lost

This is what Twitter has come down to, everyone is a fuckin doctor, scientist, and subject-matter expert. There is room for critique but know what the fuck you’re talking about first. 

Every time I see Bari Weiss’s name I think of Leinenkugels Berry Weiss, which accounted for about the worst beer hangover of my life (someone had the brilliant idea of buying a whole keg of this). Much like Bari’s columns, too much Berry Weiss will give you a headache and eventually the runs. 

Managed to catch the first two episodes on YouTube.

I assume this was done as a volunteer-driven activity so they couldn’t put a price on the labor? 

“That option is movie gets made with transgender person as star. “

“they want an Oscar for their “powerful” performance.”

I will admit my reaction is biased as I find Miss Vanjies act to be played out and stale by now

Hear hear.

“That has to be in the running for the worst Snatch Game performance ever.”

Hard to choose between Jujubee and Shea, both in the Snatch Game and for the season. I’m still hoping for Shea but Jujubee has been there twice before.

Now playing

So it wasn’t so bad then!
I’m with you though. I thought it would be goofier but obviously the makers of this have sincere affection for the schmaltz and cheese that makes up Eurovision’s song selections. Overall it was enjoyable and Rachel McAdams gave that role way more than it deserved. But I was hoping for more of

“The fix will be long, arduous, painful, challenging and many other adjectives in between, but what it won’t be is quick and easy. There is no amount of blackface erasing or retroactive affirmative action-based hiring that will change that.”

I still can’t get over the goddamn cringe factor on that photo

Don’t get trapped with that particular poster. They live to do this shit.

“Except that Alexis is a straight-up unapologetic bitch about it all and will tell that to your face. “

Agree with most of this.

I also thought this was a better episode than the hotel room mess. I think people are just tired of the team challenges which I agree 100% with.