
I will legit celebrate when McConnell dies.

Didn’t need to listen to this hatchet face to know what she sounds like. 

It’s been out there and I have seen it referenced every now and then but for some reason it didn’t really stick to him. We’ll see what comes out of this but he definitely should be held to scrutiny for this racist nonsense. 

I think the negative response was fair

Thankfully the drama between the queens is keeping things lively because the last two challenges have put the drag in Drag race.

I don’t get the whole outrage against the queens that voted for Shea. After what she put out last week they’d be dumb not to get her outta there the first chance they got. I mean, I’d be pissed off as a fan of hers but really, are the other queens supposed to roll over and not use all the tools at their disposal?

“(And let’s not forget the ‘I can’t be bothered to even put in the tiniest bit of effort while filming from home’ with last season’s reunion and finale.)“

Three memories came to mind:

I can totally buy that she had a human moment but, in the context of where things are today and the history of police brutality...she should have bottled up that noise. Sorry.

I’m too confused to even laugh

Wow, even with all the Covid concerns people were so compelled to come out still. That’s amazing.

“Imagine being such an asshole that your company has to hire someone to try and get you to act human,”

Yea that should would (maybe) fly if it came out after the first complaint. 

Holy shit lady...take the L and step away from your devices.

“ They are still trying to figure out if Jacksonville has enough hotels to host the event, but it surely has enough meth. “

Surprised that this was still on.

now that you mentioned Adore, I forgot to add Trinity K Bonet to the list. 

Not sharing your dislike of Cracker but agree that either Mariah or Jujubee should have been in the top group instead of her.

Agreed. I’m surprised to see it was the CBC that handed these out (but maybe I shouldn’t?)

Sasha is an excellent queen but in the context of their season she was the B (OK, B+) student. In the older format I think Shea would have won by virtue of having the strongest season.