
Jackie = Miz Cracker of this season

Glad to see Gigi knocked off her perch. She came across as a bit too big for her britches

Again, you’re arguing that centrism is not the base of the Democratic party. That is proven to be false. What you’re arguing is that we need more than 2 parties. Which I agree with. 

“The biggest bloc in the country for a good long time now has been the people who see both major candidates in every presidential election as big money toolbags who don’t know or care a whit about ordinary people. “

Who was doing better than him in the primaries when they dropped out?

I’m not going to say that Biden is any great shakes because he’s not. He’s not. I didn’t vote for him in the primaries. But you can’t win general elections if you can’t get to the big dance and it is obvious that the base of the Democratic party is not the Bernie ride-and-die crowd. 

With it being Biden that’s actually newsworthy.

“was that how he earned it?”

Angela Merkel

Ok zoomer

Wear a mask. We had a few leftover facemasks from last year’s flu season so we only use these if we are going to Costco or Sam’s Club where it could take a while. Otherwise we have a few cloth masks.

Never said it was. Just expressing my total disagreement with that statement, in gif form

“I think this might be the queen who may take Ru’s crown one day”

“The sheer amount of privilege that Drag Race allows coming straight into the competition means it’s not a level playing field for everyone”

Yes to everything you wrote. Jan and Heidi deserved better.

I’m kinda over Gigi. Yes, she’s got the goods and then some but RuPaul’s obvious favoritism is making me dislike her. Oh well, she’s obviously not going anywhere so c’est la vie. Jan got robbed to reward Gigi on a solid but not spectacular showing. I guess Ru just like the white skinny hoes.

“some shit for brains is interrupting it.”

Yup, since you clearly stated time and again you're going to vote for Biden. Hopefully you can bring that cross into the booth!

You’ve been playing the martyr in every Sanders article

Dark 508 has some takes, for sure