
Wonder when her campaign is rolling out and whether Susan Sarandon is endorsing.

“The test of this movement is whether Sanders supporters will pick up the pieces and move beyond the man to focus on the movement.”

“I have two masks that I made that I swap out. I wash them when I get home and hang them up to dry and this guarantees I have a dry mask when I leave in the morning.”

In our household, Bubble Guppies are a step up from Blippi

“With Aquaria, for all her undeniable talent, for me there was just no ‘there’ there.”

It's almost scary how self assured she is, even when RuPaul was trying to mess with her during the walk through

Can we also talk about RuPaul's terrible advice during the walk through? Like, usually he likes to test them a bit but he was just outright sabotaging them. Too bad we'll never get to see Crystal's El Debarge impression

What was Aiden’s audition like? Her performance across these four episodes makes you wonder how she got chosen and someone like Mayhem Miller had to audition however many times she did. Her Snatch Game was so bad and not in a WTF kind of way like Max’s Sharon Needles or Cynthia Lee’s Sofia Vergara

A lot of these should apply to Lidl. Personally I prefer Lidl as in my experience the produce is better quality, they have a good bakery section, and overall better product selection. Plus they have better rotating items including clothes, toys, pet items, tools, appliances, cookware...so there’s decent impulse

Nicky should have still been there although I think her inability to bring it in the performance challenges had little to do with French being her first language. Unfortunately for her this season is front loaded with acting / performance challenges

Nah son, it's better to be smug

“but is instead coming off uninspired and tired the way Alexis Michelle did.”

Yea the croquet outfit was supposed to be a nod to Heathers

“was screaming when Leslie Jones called Widow out for those ugly-ass pumps”

Brita is insufferable. Shut the fuck up about everything, you weird capped-toothed bitch. At least Roxxy Andrews won shit occasionally

Having a full time job is part of taking care of them.

Yup, we all knew there would be a global pandemic that would force everything to shut down before we decided to have kids.

Thank you for writing this. As a former Silicon Valley resident who still has a few connections / acquaintances in the area, this kind of story is mushrooming all over the Bay Area. The situation of many non-tech workers was already tenuous; Covid19 just made it infinitely worse. Best of luck to you and Matt.

Haven't watched Untucked this season but good to know. She was one of the contestants I thought would do great coming in but so far the only memorable things about her are her ego and those blidingly white teeth

“It’s hard to read how much is editing, but Brita does not come off well.”