
Not a fan of Mayor Pete and his bag of bullshit but you are more pressed than a panini here

“Kemp first asks about their needs as people. Then she talks about Sanders”

AOC stated that there was rampant voter suppression... because of long lines?

You’re better than this


“And so we think he can beat Trump....why?”

Ok on second thought my only expectation for him is to at least correct some of the damage Trump has caused when it comes to court appointments

“What difference would it had made “

Hey you asked for my expectation. I’m not a Biden fan so I don’t expect much from him.

““I am totally confused,” Weinstein told Burke before he was sentenced, according to Variety. “I think men are confused about all of this ... this feeling of thousands of men and women who are losing due process, I’m worried about this country.””

cookiepuss is a shit-stirring racist troll. 

cookiepuss please fuck off.

My expectation is a lot of blah.

“simply wasn’t enough to compensate for increased turnout of other generations”

Assuming corona doesn't get us first

No. But based on the location of the speech and the lack of melanin in the crowd, it looks bad. Politics is optics. *shrug* 

“What this proves is that people weren’t voting for Sanders in 2016; they were voting against Hillary Clinton. “

I meant in this particular speech. All we heard is all the wrong things that black people are doing. 

This is the most I’ve ever liked Biden

“there’s not really anything anyone can do about that.”