Thanks for posting those...he definitely was not holding back. Good that he wasn't taking crap from some delusional but who's too invested in fantasy stories
Thanks for posting those...he definitely was not holding back. Good that he wasn't taking crap from some delusional but who's too invested in fantasy stories
But Bernie marched with MLK!
“here’s the problem right now...they’ve got to step up.”
And this is why I find him infuriating and annoying. The dude is obviously smart and he COULD HAVE been a good candidate if he’d waited around and built himself up as a better option. He’d still be a moderate and that's fine. But maybe he wouldn’t come across as a power hungry jackass that pivoted to the middle to…
Must be that Rhodes scholar education
Confession time, we signed up for the Peloton app. Actually for the price we get a lot of classes and we can use the spin bikes in our apartment complex gym. But that commerical was painful
This is a good assessment
“We hope this helps!”
What privilege does anyone in these raggedy ass message board has over a millionaire pop star?
”That house is a trashy, tacky monstrosity"
Fuck off
“The way to attack Buttigieg is to kind of patronize him.”
And of course because he gave a couple of lucid answers means that Joe Biden nailed the debate
Solange’s latest belongs on the top 10 list, for most disappointing.
Can I join if I only saw The Force Awakens and decided not to bother with the rest?
Oh Tulsi
I did listen to the whole album. It’s not that it’s bad, it’s listenable. But for me a lot of the songs are forgettable. Lights Out is the true standout.
That's Demoncraps, sir
I'm personally looking forward to this glorious mess way more than another Star Wars movie *shrug*
Lights Up is a legit pop classic but the rest of it just doesn't add up to's just sugar dissolved in water