

Tulsi as a VP? That shit is disqualifying in my book and hopefully Bernie Sanders knows better. Forget her.

“Fucking assholes. Stupid motherfucking assholes.” 

“Why is Biden so resilient? I guess it’s good news for his candidacy but i’m still not convinced.”

At least Jlo knew the words. And can put on a good show.

I thought the whole point here was to bring down somebody that was relevant unlike that washed up tool Logan Paul.

Why doncha spill your beans

Climax was infuriating to watch. How fuckin stupid are these people? Yet I could not look away

Extremely mad online on Mondays is not good for your heart

As far as this kind of lists go, this one is solid

By 90 journalists they mean 90 wannabe’s snorting coke.

Given that she’s a former nominee and good reviews for Little Women, Greta Gerwig for sure. Quickly looking at reviews for the other movies, Marienne Heller and Celine Sciama may qualify as snubs (haven’t seen any of these movies)

“Jennifer Kent, whose film “The Nightingale” was remarkable.”

Seriously. I even bought full-body armor to go see it in the theater

Its anger is an impotent, irrelevant anger, the rage of a tween.

I have mixed feelings about it but he did ask all the right questions and didn’t let PB get away with weasel words. Time will tell what the outcome of this is but I don’t think it will give a significant bounce-back in terms of PB’s standing with African American voters


What is really really wrong with her? For fucks sake

I could not get past how much I disliked Euphoria to even consider if Zendaya was good in it. Otherwise solid list on the individual performances

“The “Kamala is a cop” campaign was an extreme oversimplification of her history as an AG.”