Mike Patton Oswalt

He's young, give him time.

If nothing else, Errol was the perfect final boss, if you will. Such a creepy and menacing character

I liked it a whole bunch. I was a bit confused by the Britta/Jeff undertones (didn't they drop that like three seasons ago?) but I've never really watched Community for the romance, so it's only a minor quibble

Yeah, that's where he met the Lawn Mower. He's still supposed to appear in two more episodes, so I'm guessing that area is gonna be a focal point for the last bit of the season

Huh. Hadn't thought about that. I guess it would make for an easy Emmy, but I had never thought of it as a mini-series (which could be on me)

His only competition right now is Cranston, and I think they both deserve it pretty equally.

It was a different kind of intense than last week, but this episode had the hair on the back of my neck standing up. The school scene was just incredible.

Close, that was the Melvins. Song called "A History of Bad Men"