Mike Pants

When did Drew Carey turn into Greg Proops?

I watched this yesterday after grabbing a torrent of new "ultimate cut." I was a much bigger fan of that film that most people were, but 3.5 hours is… a lot of movie.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt, thinking, "Surely, in this day and age of instant verification, no one would copy something so blatantly." And then I read along word for word in the comic.

I know you don't. This is very clear.

What I'm saying is that you need to re-orient your perceptions so that you aren't the center of the Universe. "I don't find her funny, and I don't see the appeal" will get you a lot father than "She's not funny and here's why." But someone so quick to resort to pejoratives probably isn't going to see that anytime soon.

Nothing wins over people like explaining to them why they're wrong for liking something.

Sure. That's what I'm saying.

The "potato-chip grease" trope is about as tired and unfunny as "no gamer has ever seen a girl" and "they live in their parents' basements." Please join us in the 21st Century any day, AV CLub.

I don't think Saul knows much about anything. He knows people who know people, and he knows a little about people who can get things done in a pinch, but I haven't seen much evidence that he has his fingers in pies other than Walt's.