
I'm half way through. Liking it a lot. Only sub plot that doesn't work for me is with the sister and her generic, horny high school boyfriend. Otherwise the show has been ace! Fans of 80's scifi and horror should watch immediately.

Never got less than an A- review. Thats intense. Stoked to watch the finale in a bit!

Will seek it out!

Read Musashi and it was awesome.

That series has been quality for 7 seasons now. It's actually kind of baffling how little critical praise it gets compared to so many of the major comedies.

Then I wouldn't recommend this show because I don't think this is going to be the place for deep rooted emotional characters.

This show is terrific but it's geared towards an extremely specific audience base. That audience (which includes myself) is probably going to love it through to the end, but people outside that will likely just pick it apart and try to imagine it as something that it isn't. Take whats here, not what you want to be

One weaker episode "
The Knick is in desperate need of reanimation"

lol AVclub would give this an A.

I was like "say it…say it..YES!!!"

Been watching this show since episode 1. It's really coming into it's own. Need to see this episode still but it's nice to see you guys covering it. Looking forward to the reviews!!!

I plug it every chance I get. It's possibly the most unappreciated comedy on in recent times. You just don't hear about it all that often because it seems to get unfairly lumped in with inferior shows. Such a shame but most people who give it a thorough chance wind up loving it.

I don't think people realize just how difficult shooting an action movie with a lot of CGI and effects actually is. I think the movie looks impressive as hell from a cinematography standpoint, mainly because the action all seems so clear and distinct so far. Plus that shot of Kylo and Finn towards the end is only like

It seems like The League just doesn't give a crap anymore, which is working out nicely. I love how non-chalant they were with the opening line. Sad this is the last season but this has been a pretty consistent finale thus far.

Good for this show.

That was the other one I saw recently.

Yeah I used all my goodwill up on this show last season. If it somehow manages to maintain good scores throughout the WHOLE season, then maybe it's worth a shot. Hopefully I'm not the only one jumping ship.

Whoa A+. don't see those often.

"An asian kid and a black kid bonding over music by white Jewish rappers. America's Crazy"

Agreed! i was worried AVclub wasn't going to review it, good thing I checked the Goldberg review! It's so good to be back.