Mike Polz

Nothing brings the circlejerk like Radiohead.

Man you're way too young to be bashing Dave Matthews Band. I mean yea they're not what they were and they're fair game if you're of the age….but you're not kid. So stop w/ the cheap shots like you fuckin' cool……checked your twitter……. https://twitter.com/Plumber…… Can't imagine what YOU listen to……Aren't many

REM always sucked.

lol ok n/m you're just trolling.

He's a terrible actor.

He is talented. c'mon. You might not like the sound or the crowd he attracts but the guy can definitely play the guitar. People play laptops and use autotune these days and get praised here - is that really talent? I dunno. I respect anyone who can play an instrument and find support to tour for years on end.

It's 2014 — you immediately lose your street cred as a music / movie / pop culture writer if you admit to liking anything that was/is mainstream unless you qualify your affection as either "guilty pleasure" or something you did in your youth to fit in. It's a good album. Learned how to play acoustic guitar thanks to