
I agree with this 100%.  Left foot braking on the street is idiotic and would only be practiced by clowns who have never driven a manual trans.

Wentzville is right outside of St Louis, so definitely not rural like you are making it out to be.

You folks have definitely been brainwashed by the fascist media.  Try to be objective for once and see the big picture (if you are capable of doing so).

Nice that you can stereotype like that but if others do it they are horrible persons.

So with this logic, Mazda should be donating money to the community that is stealing their products?

I always thought the North Carolina plate should read “First in Flight, thanks to two Ohioans”

Best comment I have seen in a long time!

That would be bowel, not bowl, genius.

With modern technology we should have a voting system where people that are in favor of “optional” things like illegal immigration have to pay for the costs of it - such as schooling, policing, hospital use, public services, etc. that occur due to their decision to vote for it. Persons voting against would not have to

8-10 hours per day - due to parents dropping kids off voluntarily (and paying big bucks for daycare).

The difference is the kids in day care aren’t being held because their parents broke our Federal law. The libs use emotion to make decisions and not facts, and that is often much of the problem.

These stats are skewed. In terms of basketball, NCSU was on self imposed sanctions that took all of the 1990's away in essence. In football, Clemson dominated the 1980's, FSU the 1990s and 2000's, then VT entered the conference in football and was also a formidable foe. Clemson is back in football again.

Go to website Bobistheoilguy. The myth of zinc and phos being needed in oil for wear resistance is debunked by this guy with testing.

The only pressure you have is the head (height) of oil in the pan. Take off the oil fill cap before the next one and see if it is a slower drain with atmospheric pressure.

Hey dummies. The price of oil has fluctuated widely under every president since WWII. Leave your political commentary elsewhere.

I believe the drop in HP around 1994 was due to Ford going to the modular 4.6 instead of the old 5.0.

ksquared, I agree, people like you are idiots and naive.

I would rather pay more for gasoline in my car and other products that rely on oil than have a nuclear threat of an attack on US cities. Do you think the militant Islamists are nice guys who want peace with the infidels?

You apparently haven’t heard of the evidence that Israel has collected on Iran violating the nuclear weapons treaties.

Enforcing Federal law is important, and your assertion that it targets a certain minority is misguided and incorrect.. Also, if the press was truly conservative as you say, the term “undocumented immigrant” would not exist. It would still be the formal and correct “illegal alien”. Calling an illegal alien an