Mike Minier

This is exactly why RCT World needs to come out, and it needs to be good. I absolutely loved every RCT game that came out. Do they get repetitive? Sure. Do I still come back and play them years later? You betcha’.

I haven’t played a MK game since MK3 on SNES, do they still have babilities? If so someone please for the love of all that is good link the one for Jason!

Now make a life size one of Yennifer and Triss. For research purposes.

Who’s comin with me man? Who’s comin with me?

I’ve been a fan of the Sims franchise since the original. I never buy the stuff packs though, but even the expansions can add up in price. Some are worth it, some are not. I am enjoying the Get to Work xpac for Sims 4 quite a bit. The scientist career in particular is quite fun. Playing mad scientist with the

I’d rather play GoatZ. Seriously, they joke but they hit the nail right on the head with that. I’m so burned out on survival games. The vast majority are early access(code for “we’ll finish it, maybe....someday) pieces of dung. The ones that are “finished” are lacking anything to set them apart from an already

Here we go.....

WoW is pretty much free now since the WoW Tokens came out. I am by far a hardcore WoW player anymore, and I make more than enough gold to pay for a token each month. They have been out for like a month and I am now paid up in my subscription for the next 3 months.

I would love to see this done on the pc version. Great job though, definitely skilled!

This made my day!

Awesome video! However, it showcases one of the extremely ugly things about GTAV. The blood textures. They are downright terrible looking. I really hope someone mods them out of the game. Honestly, I would rather have none at all than the ones they have now.

Not really a comparison. This is a video of the heroic version of the boss, not the mythic version. It’s like saying you own a Bugatti because you have the matchbox version.

I’m sure the silent movie actors said the same thing.

“The game features “seamless realtime battles” with the attack depending on the distance to the target. Thus, there are also different attacks and skills for both close distances and far ones.”

I want Jeff Goldblum quotes from Jurassic Park for every sound effect in the game.

This one reminds me of a Thomas Kincade painting for some reason.

That is definitely a Whopper.

Or really freaky!

If I didn't see the pics or video this game would have given me an extremely Hunger Games-ish vibe.

That blade gon stank.