Mike Minier

Game: Super Mario Bros.

I loved it! I wasn't expecting to sit through the whole thing but it was just charming, funny, and captivating! Two shrooms up!

I personally would buy Metal Gear Solid Jesus Christ. "I like kicking ass and getting crucified for mankind's sins, and I don't see any crosses." -Jesus Christ

PC Name: MikeyGamingPC

The game is launching on PC and PS4 at the same time according to both Gamespot and the website. Not sure where people are getting the info about it coming to PS4 first.

I bet this guy's children/grandchildren are looking at this and wishing they had one of these machines. I bet they would be worth a fortune today.

Tell my doc I need a much higher dose of my seroquel.

Whenever I see BatDad I can only think of the South Park episode.

You drive vehicles on it. Yes, I would say it qualifies as a driving game.

I highly recommend this game! I've been a backer for ages and it if you enjoy driving games at all, you owe it to yourself to give it a whirl. Do NOT let the demo turn you off. The game has come a very long way in the year since that demo was released.

"None of ye sinners shall taint my Appstore!! For I am the Apple, and no snake shall come near my tree. There will be no temptation in my Garden."

No way OUTSIDE has better graphics than Watch Dogs.


I'd personally take Mike Rowe over either, but if I had to choose, I'd go with Morgan Freeman. Afer all, we all know he gains a freckle every time he narrates something

What exactly did they mean by "even other players"? Please tell me the single player isn't somehow linked to the multiplayer. If this is some Demon Souls connected crap I'm out. If I want multiplayer, I'll play multiplayer. Please keep it the hell away from my single player experience.


Superman 64 Redux!

Call me impressed when they actually hit a target instead of flinging arrows to nowhere.

The game is divided up by servers, which are then divided up by islands. Each island only has so much room for "claims". To place a claim, a player has to find an open spot(very hard to do atm, extremely overcrowded), then right click their Claim Flag in their inventory. You can go to any server and any island at

Probably because is already takes long freaking enough to get from place to place on there. There comes a point where fantasy simply must override reality or it stops being fun. It might seem fun at first to have to spend a month travelling from the Shire to Rivendell, but is it really? People always say the same