Mike Minier

Minecraft isn't something you can just "get". You either enjoy it or you don't. It's like LEGOS, but infinitely more complex. I started it about 3 years ago and I've been playing off and on ever since. I say it is is much more complex because of the modding scene around it.

It is kind of jarring. I know Michael Gambon has been in other things beside the HP movies, but he will ALWAYS be Dumbledore to me. That didn't stop me from cracking a huge grin hearing him though.

If you are asking if there is an "offline" version of the game, no. This is an mmorpg, it is meant to be played with other people. No matter what you do, you will encounter and interact with other people in one way or another. I've only played the starter area so far but it has the "feel" of an Elder Scrolls game.

I don't give a shit about facts or figures. My family lived in poverty(REAL poverty) for the first 16 years of my life. Going hungry is the absolute worst feeling a person can have. It is even worse watching your younger siblings and knowing they too are going without. Watching your one surviving parent do

What happens when you have a house fire? Or your discs get lost/scratched/stolen etc? Physical media is NOT safer or more secure anymore. Ask me 10 years ago and I would have agreed with you. Now, with the advances digital distribution has made, I'll take it any day over physical media.

I tell you one thing I see ALOT of scrap metal in those pics. I don't know about there, but where I live in Upper Michigan, scrap is picked clean and its like gold. We sometimes travel 100+ miles if we know theres a good scrapping spot. Needless to say that stuff wouldn't last very long up here.


I want a game set in Upper Michigan. Afaik there has never been a game set where I live, and it is beautiful up here. Could make for a great survival setting. Post apocalyptic, surviving not against mutants, zombies, or the usual. Surviving simply against nature itself. In the winter, temperatures here reach


My god, are gaming websites TRYING to incite riots??

I spent more on Black Friday from Newegg than I intended. Like WAY overspent. I went in initially looking for deals on an SSD, something I've wanted for my pc for awhile. Ended up spending over $400....and I'm a dead man for it probably.

I might find this interesting if it wasn't a blizzard outside my window atm. Just the thought of snowblowing and shoveling in the morning(which I will do 15 minutes before the snowplow goes by, which means I will be doing it again when I get home) makes me want to "accidently" forget to set my alarm for work.

Just hope it is skin and didn't cum from south of the border. Dude could've played a lot of Chun Li.

I am well aware of how processors are measured, having been an avid pc enthusiast and builder for over 20 years. I know the difference between an i7 and an i5. I know the difference between an AMD Phenom X4 and an AMD FX 4170. I know th best way to unbend a bent cpu pin. I know enough to do what needs to be done.

I hate to say this, but someone has to. In technology(and I am not just talking video games here, all technology), the term "next gen" is used to describe something with a higher technological value than it's predecessor. Be it a new feature, more powerful hardware, better software, etc. That being said, the WiiU

I recall reading somewhere that the brain itself has no capacity to feel pain. I would guess that, combined with shock from the experience, would keep him relatively calm. I will say this though. When I was working for a dj company, we were messing around while doing something with nailguns(i can't remember what it

Most definately. I'm not a huge fan of the rts genre, and even less of a fan of military games. Yet that game just....wow. I have played through it so many times it isn't even funny. I am shocked that they didn't make a sequel, given the game got great revies and had to have sold well. Then again there are always

Going from a pure price to performance ratio, you can see a chart here:

All stocked up! Who knows, someday I may actually leave my house and meet a woman with absolutely horrible taste in men and no moral values to speak of! Better to be prepared! If nothing else there is always that impending doomsday scenario. I can always use the condoms as rain collectors(would've bought Magnums

FOX News is gonna have a BALL with this one!