
Yeah, I know. It was more of a point in that lifted trucks are NOT why gas is pushing $4/gal

I know y our car and I approve

Better straight up than directly into my window.,

Most "foreign oil" is oil is actually from Canada and Venezuela

I'd imagine lift trucks are not the norm in Europe. Why then, do they pay more than double what we do for fuel?

he gave you an address, have at it.

I like 034 Motorsports rear engine, RWD golf. Audi S4 2.7 bi-turbo mounted like it were a Porsche

*cue Shaft theme*

You could get a CPO A4 avant. They did sell us the B8 avants for a short while up until this year.

Re: Travis' vid.

Re: Travis' vid. So THAT'S what those tow hooks are for.

Came for the burnout, stayed for the lifted Escort

haha I was gonna post this one. Why the hell would anyone do this half on the incline and half off?

Nice curb slide.

It didn't say 'Impala' on the trunk because it was on the fender.

I've grown to appreciate the stacks, better to have that smoke spewed straight up than right in the window of my S4.

RE #9: Where do the feet start and the ankles end?

Regardless of the different characters, I just assumed they all said "wait for it..."

That and the turf likely has marking for American football and they can't paint on it.

Or Mexi-poke. This will never go out of style to the Latinos in the Denver area, been seeing cars like this as long as I can remember