
He’s not as braggadocios as many think he is, it’s probably due, at least in part, to the fact that Elon’s base likes to overhype everything. 

Even more impressive when a physicist-CEO design a car.

I realize he doesn’t have an engineering degree, but the man is an engineer in my eyes. As I understand, he helps solve technical problems by offering his insight, just as an engineering manager does. 

...the California-based engineer-CEO...

Right?! Engineering and solving technical problems is his forte. Interacting with the public and “public perception” is not.  Why do people expect him to solve their emotional issues?

Mary Barra doesn’t come across as someone who’s been involved in engineering design for a long while. She got an EE in Kettering in 1985, then an MBA from stanford in 1990. She held a variety of engineering and “administrative” positions until she got promoted to VP of manufacturing engineering in 2008, and then VP of

This Elon is good Elon.

Very few indeed. Probably the only other auto executive that has comparable (and mostly likely greater) product knowledge is Mary Barra. She worked on the line while she was an engineering student at GMI/Kettering and was later in charge of global production engineering.

Other than maybe Christian von Koenigsegg, yeah. Agreed.

This is impressive. I’m not the world’s biggest Musk fan, but very few C-suite executives have anywhere that level of knowledge about their product. Credit where credit is due, good for him. 

I will add that today’s crash test dummies are incredibly sophisticated. So much so that IIHS has a fully climate controlled room where they store them at optimal temperature and humidity to preserve the accuracy of the sensors. I can see where a cadaver can still serve a purpose, but by and large dummies can provide

“Today in Jalopnik comments I learned the weirdest thing”

A couple years ago I attended a lecture from a professor doing crash research specifically on better simulations of small children. As you mentioned you can’t cadaver test with kids so they were using young kangaroos. Turns out their rib and spine structure was a good stand in for a child. The professor had to become

This post includes images of dead bodies, used as cadavers and wrapped for anonymity and dignity.”

People are way too sentimental about corpses. My wife knows that I want to be broken up for spare parts when I die. If I die of cancer and my tissues can’t be transplanted, then let the medical students use my corpse for target practice. Better that they accidentally sever the aorta in my already deceased body than

Grad students.

So who cleaned up that elevator shaft after these ‘experiments’?

*puts on old man shaking fist at sky costume*

Cool spooky piece for Halloween!

So what you’re saying is, at Wayne State University, for the price of 1000 feet of Ace bandages you can have a kickass halloween costume?