Mikel Matthews Jr.

She would put the rule citation from (Writer's Inc? Maybe—-can't remember the exact book we used) whenever there was a grammatical error in our papers.

I've also tried to replicate his Making a Peanut Butter Sandwich essay assignment. While it's become a very common exercise in being specific, he chose individual instructions from the various papers and tried to follow them. I laughed till I cried. Mine have been funny, but never as good as his.

For some strange reason, I had to take a basic level Short Stories course. I'd had his mother as my teacher at Parkland college, where I got to take English 101 and 102 in a single semester with her 105 class. But something didn't transfer.

I had David as a professor at ISU in 1996—-right about the time this is set. The do-rag never drew much attention from anyone. It's just something that people wore.

I don't remember him wandering around with his mouth open, but we don't know what that scene is. I think a few second clip isn't a good way to judge it. Seagel, in interviews, actually reminds me a bit of David. Smart. Funny as hell. Really down to earth in a smartest-person-you've-ever-met kind of way.

Having had David as a professor, I don't ever remember seeing him without one in 96.