Same with my ‘04 TL...
Same with my ‘04 TL...
Were A/C and a radio standard?
You can ride a hot goalie deep into the playoffs. Looks like the Blues should make the playoffs and if Binnington keeps this up, watch out.
Yes, and I’ve been summarily punched for doing that.
That back bench has also been replaced with five and three-quarter foot long mattress for all your sleeping enjoyment.
I can’t believe this “What car should I buy?” feature is still a thing.
This should be a regular feature.
I was able to tolerate this jackwagon for 2:30.
TSA still misses 70 percent of dangerous contraband that passes through its security gates, as Forbes reported in 2017.
Bumper. To. Bumper.
Sorry to disappoint you (and my kids); no A/C. I don’t think the poor little 200 would enough much left to actually move itself.
My first car was a 1966 Mustang coupe with the six cylinder. It sat in my mom’s garage from 1993 until 2017. It was so rusty then - late 80's (I discovered that I had holes rusted through the floor pans when I drove through a puddle faster than I should have). Now, after new floor pans, paint and a handful of other…
I’m adding ‘rainbow chasing snowflake’ to my vocabulary.
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
They used to think I was amazing too.
When visiting relatives who live in the country, we took the kids on a walk through the woods. We found a big ol’ grapevine and went for a swing on it. They thought it was amazing. They were much younger then.
For now...
This one still gives me chills.
Metro Saint Louis is #21 in population, roughly the same as Baltimore. The Dome was full when the owners put a decent team on the field. You could see the writing on the wall not too long after Kronke acquired his majority interest in the team. Fuck Kronke, Goodell and Jerry Jones.
Some well-placed nails may fix this.