
Stupid rule. Should be changed

Credit cards do offer a benefit to store owners. First it’s much easier accounting than cash. The transaction is recorded right away. Also less chance of employee theft. Cards aren’t going away. Owners will have to pay. Cost of doing business

Uh, no

Why do we still have umps at all?? Get robots on everything! How many times does the the pitch tracker show different from what was called! Get rid of them

Who are the 655 people that liked that tweet ? The man (could've) died!!

Just to be clear, the statement from the lions doesn’t deny the allegations. “If we wanted to we would’ve done sooner”. Not exactly denial.

They got to make refs calls reviewable. NFL too. Too many bad calls deciding games

Great report Diana and deadspin! Just wanted to know what you and the editors process of publishing abuse pictures was/is? Obviously there’s that line between privacy and newsworthy. Just wanted to know