
This might be the worst Morning Shift of all time; seriously every gear is a hare-brained take except maybe 2nd.

Among those are plans to slow speeders down by “re-engineering roads to slow down vehicles rather than relying primarily on enforcement to manage speeding. Promote speed safety cameras as a proven safety countermeasure.”

I’m going to get on my soap box again.

Just selling a car for a high price does not make it a “luxury” car.

Can someone please notify these “disrupters” that we’ve had “flying cars” since 1903… they are called airplanes. There is already a whole industry, regulatory oversight, licensing system, etc built around these airplanes

People are using forums and instead of Facebook groups.

Unbelievable... People are using forums and instead of Facebook groups.

I personally dislike the way we look at environmental issues now. It’s all or nothing.

1st Gear: In my view, the push to phase out methane/natural gas is a huge mistake. For one thing, burning NG contributes less to global warming than letting it go into the atmosphere. Also note that you can get NG from anything that rots such as garbage and sewage. It would be more productive environmentally if we

1st Gear: Before offshore drilling along the west coast tar balls were a common site on Socal beaches. Its weird to say but the drilling is keeping beach pollution at bay. Theres lots of easily available oil which is a big reason it became so popular.

Guess what, with the current timeline companies are being forced to change over to EV from ICE, there’s no way to responsibly source cobalt and other rare-earth minerals required for batteries either. 

First gear:

Even $3K is a heckuva good price for a 400E in good shape.

$3K in repairs + $1K = $8K car. I like the math.

I bet BMW got them by a nose!

I don’t really get 1st gear. Of course the number of car sales were down: Ford no longer makes the Fiesta or Fusion. If you remove both from the numbers (because they’re no longer being made and are just adding noise), Ford’s car sales are only down 14%. Seems like Ford’s cars did better than the Ecosport, Escape, or

First and Second Gears:

Exactly, I came to look for this comment. Actually the ZT 260 was not merely “cool”, for the bean-counting play-it-safe car world it was absolutely insane!! They took the Rover 75 / MG ZT which was on a front wheel drive platform, using only transverse inline 4s and V6s, and set off to do an absolutely immense

I always thought the ZT 260 was pretty cool too, and it came as a wagon. Big, lazy British saloon with an American V8 stuffed inside? That’s cool.

I wonder if it’ll understeer very much....