mike keranes

Lets face it: The FBI was trying to use this particular case to create a precedent. It was always just a matter of time before the security on a device with an old OS is compromised in some way that will allow a person access. What they (the FBI and related agencies) are seeking is something different: primary access.

I wonder if the results would have been different if the shooter had used an Android phone and the FBI was leaning on Google. Would the average Android user be more invested? I know that Apple has built a model for their user experience around the idea that people shouldn’t really care about how their technology

The fuck?! How does this actually only represent Apple fans? This will set a precedent for everyone. Meanwhile idiots that actually have an effective and loud voice *cough* Chris *cough* only use it to split this into another Apple vs XYZ brand by posting dumb headlines... feeding trolls... and divide people up

So a book about a guy who devoted his life to free information is $15.40 on Amazon?

So you’re saying by working 8 weeks, you can afford this $12,000 toy? Huzzah!

Of course it costs that much. It’s all about the way the doors open

It’s more socially acceptable for for a company like VTECH to steal (collect) information and photos directly from your children and store it on their servers for their own personal gain, than it is for a black (or white) hat hacker to steal (collect) that information from VTECH’s servers for his own personal gain.

“And, you know, I want to be clear, because Ted Cruz is a nightmare of a human being. I have plenty of problems with his politics, but truthfully his personality is so awful that 99 percent of why I hate him is just his personality. If he agreed with me on every issue, I would hate him only one percent less.”

Wait how’d you get access to the Gizmodo Code of Standards, they haven’t even let me see it yet.

For the idiots: Canada is not taking migrants/refugees from europe. we are taking the people who have been in refugee camps in Lebanon and Turkey for years now. these people might have phones, sure, and they might have nice clothes, but probably not, since they’ve been living in a refugee slum for a couple years..

Take my free speech, I have nothing to say.

Fuck the morons turning a blind, ignorant and naive eye to the threats that face the free nations of the world, fuck the “ free thinkers” who believe that laying down arms will end in world piece. Fuck the people that use minimal headroom to recognize that there are groups of millions of people that just want to kill

I’m not saying that yanking the accounts does absolutely no good. It is a roadblock. It’s just not a very efficient one, and Clinton certainly shouldn’t make it a cornerstone of her digital campaign.

Not the first time, not the last.

It really doesn’t matter if they used encryption or not. That’s no excuse to forbid privacy for all citizens. I don’t care if they found definitive proof that every terrorist attack this century could have been prevented if encryption was banned/broken. It’s not worth it.

First off, nobody mentioned actual violence by a pastor or other religious leader. You did. And show me one place in America that this has happened without law enforcement getting involved. One.

Honestly, I think they should hire kids from Xbox Live to troll the snot out of ISIS across social media and on their own sites.

What if we encrypt the pigeon?

Because why factcheck when you can scapegoat the game industry again? We have some shitty people, but sweet fucking christ we’re not that bad.