When asked to make statements contrary to the goals of their employer, I was shocked that no one stood up for those impacted by their company’s egregious behavior.
When asked to make statements contrary to the goals of their employer, I was shocked that no one stood up for those impacted by their company’s egregious behavior.
best case scenarios for lower wage workers
Do you mean “Asian culture” like Pakastani immigrants? Or Japanese? Or maybe you mean Hmong. Or maybe you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about, and should go finish of that box of crayons you were eating before you jumped on here...
This comment needs and deserves all the stars
Dear Arden,
In Soviet Russia, joke laughs at you!
First off, nobody mentioned actual violence by a pastor or other religious leader. You did. And show me one place in America that this has happened without law enforcement getting involved. One.
What if we encrypt the pigeon?
Because why factcheck when you can scapegoat the game industry again? We have some shitty people, but sweet fucking christ we’re not that bad.
Some sign ideas I’ve had:
“Threatening women makes Me feel better about my life”
“I need a hobby”
“[name of your town] needs more children in poverty!”
“We’re scared”
“Freedom of choice = Do as I say”
“I don’t want to help the needy, so I’ll just stand here”
Now, if only I can convince my friends to give up their Saturday…
”I feel like that is the untold story of this data leak—how many people just aren’t getting a sexual connection they want. And rather than talk about how people could solve this problem, everyone is just moralizing.”
I almost guarantee you that this is the plot-
Would you rather sit for 5 mins trying to get out of space in a busy parking lot because you can’t make eye contact with anyone? I back in everywhere, and from what you sound like, I wouldn’t want to date you either.
Big props to them. They obviously knew they had no right to be in that competition, other than their country needed someone to represent. Seems they just went and had a good time. Not easy to block the rest out. Good job, dudes.
The situation here is that Holly pressed for marriage and didn’t get it, so Hef offered her more money for when he died, as a way to compensate her for her “loyalty”, but that wasn’t good enough for her so they broke up. She even froze his sperm. She wanted everything. This was a woman with a plan from the very…
It matters that Swift and Beck are white because if Kanye ever decides to up his game and interrupt a fellow African American performer we will all get to see the ass-beating of the century live onstage. Kanye is a bully and a coward and picks targets he knows can't or won't fight back for whatever reason.
So let me see if I understand this correctly.
It's not an article (for better, or worse). They're just aggregating links, and collecting clicks most of the time.
Run Labia Run