mike keranes

When asked to make statements contrary to the goals of their employer, I was shocked that no one stood up for those impacted by their company’s egregious behavior.

Go fuck yourself.

She wrote 10's of thousands of emails. We saw them.

You’re wrong and fuck you.

Are you retarded? Or did you not read anything I wrote? I don’t dispute that driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol should be illegal. I just said that the act of doing drugs by themselves shouldn’t be illegal. Prosecute any crime someone commits while doing drugs but the act of doing drugs shouldn’t be

Ugh... everyone knows that the so called Great Barrier reef destruction is really just a hoax propagated by the NewZealand tourist board.....

best case scenarios for lower wage workers

They’re all idiots, left and right. And you’re an idiot for thinking one is better than the other.

Thank you for pointing out that all republican politicians are idiots and all democrat politicians are intelligent.

I don’t understand the point of this article, if it is not to just poke fun/attack a news host on a station the author does not agree with.

Fortunately for me, quitting smoking is infinitely more important than whatever the non-vaping community thinks or feels about the practice. Haven’t had a cigarette in almost 2 years now, and my lungs feel better and generally feel more energetic and healthy.

Fuck you, Congress.

Homeless new yorkers are being lewd in public?

. . .Even for a site devoted to science fiction and fantasy, there needs to be some grounding in reality, sir.

Give me a break, you lovely person.

You vant your snowden back, and ve want our little Seleznev to come home. Dere is only one negotiator fit for this challenge. Tom Hanks.

And what are you trying to be, a dick?

IF I was an IT tech admin for a large corporation and done the things she done. my life would be ruined. I wouldn’t be able to get a job, for no one could trust me to keep things secure, I’d be thrown in jail for destroying the face of a company and the people within it.

and yet she walks. why? explain to me, why a