mike keranes

‪”I feel like that is the untold story of this data leak—how many people just aren’t getting a sexual connection they want. And rather than talk about how people could solve this problem, everyone is just moralizing.”

I almost guarantee you that this is the plot-

Would you rather sit for 5 mins trying to get out of space in a busy parking lot because you can’t make eye contact with anyone? I back in everywhere, and from what you sound like, I wouldn’t want to date you either.

Big props to them. They obviously knew they had no right to be in that competition, other than their country needed someone to represent. Seems they just went and had a good time. Not easy to block the rest out. Good job, dudes.

The situation here is that Holly pressed for marriage and didn’t get it, so Hef offered her more money for when he died, as a way to compensate her for her “loyalty”, but that wasn’t good enough for her so they broke up. She even froze his sperm. She wanted everything. This was a woman with a plan from the very

It matters that Swift and Beck are white because if Kanye ever decides to up his game and interrupt a fellow African American performer we will all get to see the ass-beating of the century live onstage. Kanye is a bully and a coward and picks targets he knows can't or won't fight back for whatever reason.

So let me see if I understand this correctly.

It's not an article (for better, or worse). They're just aggregating links, and collecting clicks most of the time.

inb4 PC master race.

As a Good Black person, maybe you should have thought twice about your race-baiting title?

Imagine if this article was titled "I don't know what to do with good Black/Indian/Jewish/insertethnicorraceofchoicehere people? Fuck off with your racist click bait.

Oh my God, I so, so sympathize. This doesn't involve any Williams-Sonoma products, but 10 years on my son is still talking about the Christmas I tried to lightly toast some pignoli nuts (for biscotti) and instead they burned and looked like rat turds and when I threw them out - rather vigorously and hastily - they

Six years ago my then 3 year old son saw the Santa version of the snowman pan in the catalog and asked me to get it. I did because I was 7 months pregnant and felt guilty about this being his last Christmas without a sibling. WORST DECISION. First, the fancy ass decorations in the catalog were done with fruit

That's not my point. Why do people go absolutely insane over a white person killing a black person, but not a word is said about a black person killing a white? Last I checked, before the indictment verdict, people were flipping their shit because a white police officer killed a black kid. It had nothing to do with

I'm sorry but this is bullshit. If you heard probably 99% of the pop stars these days sing live "unplugged" with no reverb or accompaniment I doubt it would be much better. Beyonce can't sing half as well. Mariah has some def vocal problems, wear and tear from all the riffing and over singing, but this is unfair

Oh come on already.

That's exactly how I imagined members of the master race to look like

None of your suggestions are bad, but they are meaningless if young people don't give a fuck — and most of them don't. Or at least, not enough of a fuck to vote in non-Presidential elections.

This doesn't excuse anything, because I don't believe you have the right to really complain about our political state if you were fully capable of voting and just didn't, but one thing I noticed about people my age (20s) is how utterly demoralized they are with the state of our government, particularly Congress.

Run Labia Run