mike keranes

What do you expect from a giz writer? They don’t fact check anything, they don’t investigate anything -- they simply steal other people’s stories from Reddit and repost as their own.

This happens when you fail to investigate any of what you’re writing about. You’re simply taking your stories from other writers and passing them off as your own work.

nothing i love more than waking up at 5:30, browsing reddit and then coming to work and reading the same stories on Gizmodo. Do you guys just camp out on reddit for your material? Isn’t that little like cheating?

Didn’t catch the part about the reefs? Those are starting to die out in masses - The great barrier reef supported more species of life than most any other place on the planet. Chain reactions...

Not really...

I didn’t get the joke either, just seemed like a pointless article.

You’re kidding right? They jacked up their prices when gas was like 5bucks a gallon at the pump. They are making money hand over fist... They overbook every flight, have eliminated most all amenities, how can you think they aren’t making out?

I have to dumb down my resume before applying for anything i’d consider below my skillset, sometimes it seems that typically employers want somebody who is just knowedgable enough to be hungry but not so much as to be a flight risk

Can’t speak for him but i live 30minutes outside Detroit... Not exactly the most tech savvy city lol.

Starbucks and a lot of Taxis

Be realistic dude... You would’t do that nor would any of the 99.9 percent of the people posting on here. What she did was enough — She ended the relationship and advertised it. Makes me have a lot more respect for her... Besides, the money earned in the past is exactly that, money earned.

trying to figure that out myself... It’s 4k resolution and beautiful at that but i’m still trying to figure out where this 8k thing is coming from.

You don’t know this but you just replied to their lead engineer

Have you not seen the recent news?... They’re kicking up a lemonade stand next week.

trying? I’d say that was sucessfully completed with exceeding expectations.

Another person who has no fucking clue what they’re talking about... Her healthcare was a very expensive train wreck.

You have zero understanding of what you’re talking about.

You should do more reading.


I’m right there with you... Anyone that even know what the term Messaging means, understand how fucked this whole situation is.