mike keranes

Man, your posting just really make me irate, your type is everything that’s wrong with our country, why our government continues this programs in the name of ‘terrorism’. You fucking tool.

You’re calling him naive when you just quoted Clapper? you’re an idiot.

Please stop posting, do not reproduce, and if you can help it... please stop breathing.

LOL, you aren’t kidding...

He’s not a traitor, he’s a hero man. How could you even think that? Do you agree with the NSA spying on the entire country, intercepting packages in the mail to implant hardware based backdoors, browsing love interests etc?

This isn’t referring to any one particular country i think, the EU is going to grant it. Any country that’s a member of the EU would be in on it... The bottom line the the US fucked it citizens, they have no right to charge Snowden and the rest of the world knows it.

What a dumb idea... Apple needs to stick to making toys for teenies to update their social media.

Brian, don’t be an idiot. This has been in the news for years and you’re only just now catching on? Are the tinted windows nice on your shortbus, genius?

This is fucking pathetic. How many times have we told them no, we don’t want their patriot act 2.0 and they continue to rename it and jam it down our throats, well they finally won. Fuck them.

Most of them don’t... they’ve come straight out and said they don’t read the bills they pass.

They are releasing an incomplete product for $200+ dollars and you think that’s a good idea? As though troubleshooting a wireless network is remotely difficult, simply unplug and plug it back and fixed.

Mario, this article is trash... Regardless of how you view U2, they gifted their Music to millions of people, like it or not... don’t listen to it. Either way, they are the opposite of bands like Metallica that just want to sue teenagers for downloading their music. In short, they are embracing technology, not

This is a bogus plot by a security agency to undermine the need for security and be ever more intrusive in their monitoring. Look at the buzz words in the text

and yet the FBI is still instructing police departments to lie about the use of such devices...

Add all local police departments, FBI, NSA, CIA etc to this list as well.

Dennis is an idiot, i wouldn’t bother trying to talk logic to a person like that. he’s got his head so far up his ass, he wouldn’t be able to hear you anyway.

THE COCA COLA COMPANY... This is by far the worst place in America to work if you’re in IT. I’ve shared stories in other threads of being forced to work after hours and not receiving any pay at all; not time and a half, not even straight pay... Simply put, billing for anything over 40 hours is ‘out of scope’ as my

yea... download a real browser. In that respect, get a real computer ;)

Master P is an idiot rapper from like a decade ago who apparently think Kobe should put his career and rep on the line for a supposed friend. Guess what man, the world doesn’t work like that.

10thousand words to say this person isn’t professional and shouldn’t have brought an infant to a professional conference?