
Oh shit you can get more? I’d finally gotten rid of mine.

wait i’m not sure i get it

Manchester by the sea focuses on a male character, so obviously Jezebel would tell you to skip it

Ahh yes. Broadcast.com...

Why couldn’t it have been [X] is one of the poorest responses in these situations. Be a better person.

“This is incredibly ambitious, but we haven’t taken into consideration if something goes wrong.”

The criticism of her flying coach isn’t really an honest one, as the same person would likely criticize her for flying on a private jet. That person just needed an opportunity to criticize her for existing.

Um, no. Just no. Don’t you see that this hurt our side? Don’t you see how this makes us look like babies. It makes one sympathize with Ivanka (and her family).

He’s lucky he only got escorted off. Flying is a big enough pain in the ass without listening to some asshole be an asshole because he’s an asshole. He’s not a heroic figure speaking truth to fascism (do the teach the real definition of that word any more?) he’s an asshole and that’s all. Family has the right to

And what exactly would be “helping”? Treating them with respect? Nah, respect has to be earned not given.

It’s funny, as I read your comment, I realized that I am the exact opposite. I’ve been a Windows user since the start. I actually used Windows 1.1 (I say “used” very loosely, since Windows wasn’t actually usable until 3.1). I have no problems with Windows 10, and I actually liked Windows 8, but I have slowly drifted

Getting rear ended by a distracted driver or getting hit by a truck knows no age. These same young and healthy people would be complaining of having to undergo bankruptcy and getting their credit destroyed when they have to pay 100k for a week’s stay at the hospital.

Really? After watching that clip I’m thinking he doesn’t deserve any awards. Seems like a boorish asshole.

If he cares about awards that much then this behavior was exactly what not to do. He’s not likely to receive praise and recognition and help the longevity of his show (that I’m sure hundreds of other people depend on for their income) if he’s going to act like an asshole.

So use the goddamn included lightning adaptor, which is included with the phone.

“it’s surprisingly un-Apple to show essentially a ‘concept product’”

Yeah too bad Mr. Turton can’t take a few seconds to be a real journalist. Pathetic.

ABC is reporting that the final cost of the contract is around $3 billion, but that cost is probably rising. His $4 billion number may not be that much of an exaggeration.

That’s better then Clinton! This American Life had a report they did and found out that Clinton didn’t know how to use a computer or email on a computer and that’s why she had to use her blackberry. I know both of them are from a different generation but I’m shocked neither are more well versed with computers, at

Why in the f*** would I want a shirt with f*****g Zuckerberg on it?