Little Bobby Tables agrees.
Little Bobby Tables agrees.
This picture will be used again in about 20 years to make us feel old when the same battery power will be in the size of a cell phone.
i could carry it, easily. i am very strong.
When you sneak a look through a window, it’s “peeking.” “Peaking” is what is happening when you’re tripping the hardest.
You’re a UX designer with two phones and can’t figure out how to TXT or delete apps from Android?
WASHINGTON, DC–A study released Monday by the American Public Transportation Association reveals that 98 percent of Americans support the use of mass transit by others.
Isn’t Diesel?!
Learns driver survived that wreck, starts shopping Altimas.
See Altimas.
Accepts death.
tbh I kinda assumed this already
Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer.
I genuinely dont know what the best course of action here is.
God damn that is brutal. and awesome.
I think Football Outsiders had one of the best write ups on Rodgers.
Now it is here:
Found Portnoys burner account.
It’s not a confusing concept, since the other brands have the same thing, but Lexus is just branding the shit out of it.
Can I offer an alternative for a saavy buyer who beat the dealer system? Perhaps some prime-credit borrowers took the ridiculous interest rate with the intent to refinance/pay off immediately and reap the benefit of a lower principal amount because the dealer required their financing for it.
It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.
Not imaginary. Just irrational.
Concept: 10/10