
So you knew it was the WWE now and figured that nobody would know WWF, but you went with WWF anyways?

I can play now too???

While we’re at it, you meant overstate

Thank you so much for putting it all together! This is infinity war level build up to such a good payoff (chargers ‘fan’ here)

This this this, a million times fucking this. How insulated do you have to be to not even know how we refer to ourselves?

Im trying to keep up too man

I think we’ve seen repeatedly that trump’s base will vote against their self-interest as long as it’s to the detriment of their enemies (see: liberals)

back when CMT actually played Country Music

+1 freaking perfect picture


Prefer this one

I think it’s time we actually start that war on christmas that fox is always harping about, but it wont be easy.

Speaking the one truthiest truth. I don’t get seasons where I live so I settle for this

Remember when Paul Ryan claimed RATM as one his favorites and everyone pointed out that he is the machine

I agree that that would be better.

I know its not ideal but that seems reasonable. Scared kids tells his coach, who asks his boss what to do. I’d honestly probably do the same thing.

Except this was in Korea. Other asia

Not yet, but we’re making progress