
Re: Buffy…

*Making a cameo appearance*

Exactly, Tecumseh. This was the only thing I could even think of reading this entire review. Did Angel's spell somehow reach through the screen and erase Noel's memory too? I hate the memory wipe, but at least the characters aren't acting out of character for no reason. I also don't buy why Noel so easily hand-waves

I said "With that said, 4 has a lot of excellent character development and stand-out episodes."

I like to place my favorite seasons into "groups," as it's so hard to separate some of them.
#1. Season 5: The one season that put it all together. There's a rough edge here or there (e.g. Knight of Byzantium), but all the big stuff is right on the money.  The season had a compelling plot, rich themes, deep

You're asking the impossible, Tristan. Probably about 25% of the entire show consists of my very favorite moments. Listing all of them individually would require way too much space. :D

Excellent posts, Sophist. I largely agree, per usual. To piggy-back off of them, again, I'd just like to reinforce what I mentioned in "Touched," about how the season shows many different examples of how sharing one's power doesn't have to mean you lose your own, and through all of the major characters (Dawn to

Thanks, Tecumseh. As for where I've been, here's a brief list of things that have been taking up my time this year:
*I recently rewrote all of my Season 1 reviews, because the original ones were awful. I'm also beginning the process, starting in Season 2, of polishing up all my reviews to a quality that's more

Hey Sophist. Nice thoughts on "Touched." I agree with pretty much all of them. It's also a favorite of mine, and I feel one of Season 7's best episodes. It's a shame Noel kind of gave it the short end of the stick (imho).